
Wind Energy combines a large number of fields such as wind turbine manufacturers, grid operators and maritime logistics to name a few. A very important area that aims at maximizing the efficiency of wind turbines and wind farms in general is the field of wind measurements.

WESA is very excited to host Windar Photonics, the leading supplier of cost-efficient nacelle LIDAR sensors for the wind energy industry.

On Thursday 22.02.2018, professionals from Windar Photonics will visit WESA at DTU Meeting Center, in room S09 at 17:00. The participants will get an overview of the company's activities and on going projects, and will have the opportunity to learn first hand about the transition of being a student to becoming a successful professional, as the company consists of engineers who have completed the Wind Energy masters program at DTU.


Please register for the event by clicking here: Sign up!

Kindly note that only WESA members can participate in the event. If you are not a WESA member, click here: WESA Sing up




Thu 22 Feb 18
5:00 - 7:00




DTU Meeting Center

Room S09