DTU continues to be a name well-known for technical expertise and experience in Wind Energy. It is one of the few institutions offering a dedicated Master program in Wind Energy and also welcomes exchange students wishing to gain specialization in Wind Energy. The university thus attracts talented students from all over the world. For each of these students, an inclusive and supportive environment is created right from the beginning of student life through the DTU Introduction Week. The students are introduced to each other and to all that the university has to offer in terms of facilities, services, clubs, etc.
The Wind Energy Student Association (WESA) at DTU played an active role in welcoming new Wind Energy students at the start of the semester. WESA was involved during the Introduction Week. Mareen Tiedemann, President of the founding board of WESA, welcomed students and delivered an Inspiration Talk about studying Wind Energy and about how the masters program is like at DTU, drawing on examples from her own experience as well as those of others. Thanasis Kormas, the current WESA President, introduced the students to WESA and helped answer many practical questions during the Q&A session. WESA serves as a platform for students to connect with each other and the industry.
WESA also had a very successful Semester Kick Off Event on Thursday, 13 September where new students met “senior” students who were available as “Advisers” on different courses they took. The event included a fun teambuilding challenge imitating the “Group Work” model of project work seen in courses at DTU.
WESA and DTU Wind Energy are working together to ensure that the best of support, opportunities and facilities are available to students. The upcoming “Risø Visit” on 10 October is an example of this cooperation. The visit is intended as a way for new Wind Energy students to become acquainted with the facilities, personnel and research ongoing in Wind Energy at DTU. Students are thus empowered early in the Master program to come up with their own ideas and collaborate with the right people.
WESA would like to thank DTU Wind Energy Dept., WESA alumni and current students for their support and active participation in all WESA Events.
Wishing everyone a great semester!
Eric Aby Philips
Vice President of WESA

Thanasis Kormas delivers a presentation at Semester Kick Off on WESA goals
and upcoming events

A common scene of Group Work at DTU

WESA Board for the Academic Year: 2018-2019. Thanasis Kormas – President, Eric Aby Philips – Vice President, Kathrin Merten – Social Media Manager and Laura Volta – Event Manager.