On Thursday 28.09.2017 WESA hosted Ørsted (DONG Energy) at the Technical University of Denmark, DTU. During their visit, the professionals from Ørsted, after delivering very interesting presentations, gave the students the opportunity to participate in the BEACON contest.
BEACON Contest
Students were given a series of data obtained by 2 radars scanning the company's Westermost Rough offshore wind farm. The task was the visualization of the data that would help them enhance their quantitative skills by interpreting big data sets and visualizing them optimally, giving wind engineers the opportunity of exploiting their huge untapped potential. The winner of the contest would win 3000DKK.
The winner
Several students were interested in the contest and after receiving the data, they worked in producing the most accurate visualization. The winner of the BEACON contest was Mads Baungaard. Mads applied his knowledge in MATLAB and created an impressive visualization of the wakes, which can be seen below:

Mads said a few words regarding his work:
''I wanted to create a 3D plot of the wakes in the wind farm similar to the famous Horns Rev pictures. For this purpose I created a volume grid of horizantal wind speeds and visualized these with Matlabs isosurface function (which is the "3D-equivalent" of countour lines). Finally, I made a "stick model" representation of the wind turbines using cylinders and zoomed in on the northern part of the wind farm.''
Mads winning entry got him the contested prize of 3000 DKK, along with the chance to visit the facilities of Ørsted.
We would like to congratulate Mads for his idea and success and wish him the best of luck in the future.